Projects past and present

As an Open Science enthusiast, I believe that all research output should be openly available. This is why I have provided links, for each project, to the experimental materials, data, analysis scripts, and full texts, even for unpublished studies. You can navigate to the links by clicking on the relevant project title.

Reading across languages

In 2022, I took up my old passion of cross-linguistic reading research again. I received funding from the DFG to conduct a study on single-word and pseudoword reading and spelling, involving 16 languages (for study proposal, see here). On the team for this project are Ms. Sara Chilson and Ms. Hanna Hampe.


During my PhD, I studied cognitive processes underlying skilled reading and reading acquisition in German and English. My PhD advisors were Dr. Eva Marinus, Prof. Anne Castles, and Prof. Max Coltheart. You can find the full text of my thesis, "Methodological and theoretical issues in cross-linguistic reading research" here, at the Macquarie University website.

Cognitive causes of Developmental Dyslexia (META-DYS)

There are many theories of what is causing Developmental Dyslexia, and very little consensus. Specifically, many studies report some cognitive deficit in a group of participants with dyslexia, and follow-up studies fail to show such a group difference. This low replicability rate makes Developmental Dyslexia an interesting case study from the perspective of the Replication Crisis. We are working on a DFG-funded project to identify theoretical, methodological, and statistical issues that are related to replicability of studies testing theories of Developmental Dyslexia. On the team for this project are Ms. Anna (Yi) Leung and Ms. Tatiana Logvinenko


This project is part of the DFG-funded Meta-Rep priority programme.

How do we learn print-to-speech correspondences?

Converting orthography to phonology is an important part of the reading process. Using the knowledge of the correspondences between letters or letter clusters and their pronunciations allows children (and adults) to read aloud words that they have never seen in the written form before. In order to understand how children learn to read, and how the learning process may be impaired in developmental dyslexia, it is important to understand how exactly we translate print to speech.

Statistical learning, reading, and dyslexia

Statistical learning refers to the ability to (implicitly) extract regularities from the environment and to apply them to predict future events. To date, it is not clear whether a statistical learning process is involved in the process of learning to read, or which exact reading-related regularities benefit from the process and how they facilitate reading. Two related questions are: Is a domain-general statistical learning skill important for reading acquisition? And is a statistical learning deficit a possible cause of developmental dyslexia?

From words to sentences

Models of single-word reading are arguably the most well-specified models in cognitive psychology. But while we have a good understanding of the cognitive processes underlying reading, there is less systematic research about how the importance of these processes changes when we embed words in sentences.